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  New Case Law Referencer on Arbitration and Conciliation Act

New Case Law Referencer On Arbitration And Conciliation Act

by Kohli Hari Dev

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 430.65
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  ``Arbitrate and not litigate`` is the all powerful slogan given by the legislative donor, recognised whole-heartedly by the judicial wisdom and accepted gratefully by the donee the general public, has assumed a notion with conviction that going to a court to seek justice is nothing but to chafe raw the usual litigation wounds by bitter hatred and unstrained vituperative language and instead of intended cure, one comes out with a malignant sear. All amending and consolidating Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, encompassing minimal judicial intervention has ushered in a ray of hope that it is better to avoid waging a sham battle with a shadow boxing in the stadium of court because taking the watch for repair to a blacksmith is to get the hurt transformed into grievous hurt.

Being orthodox admirer of seeking solution out of court and fully convinced of the utility of arbitration, I ventured to enter this field through the medium of this book which reflects the expression of my conviction. Fully conscious of the complexity involved in this process, I tried to explain the concepts in a clear, simple and vivid manner to be easily comprehensible. I cannot be a judge in my own case and as such I leave it to the readers to judge and comment as their observations will encourage me to add mere flavour to it.

ISBN : 9788175346963

Pages : 531
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