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  Meet The Glorious Scientists - Isaac Newton

Meet The Glorious Scientists - Isaac Newton

by Malti Bansal

  Price : Rs 70.00
  Your Price : Rs 70.00
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  The greatest English mathematician of his generation, Isaac Newton is remembered as one of the foremost scientific intellects of all time. He is known for his work on gravitation, optics, and differential and integral calculus. Apart from being a mathematician of noteworthy intellect, he was an admirable scholar as well. Till today, the law of gravity is seldom taught without a mention of his name and the falling apple incident. The present book takes the young readers on a ride through the life and times of this remarkable mathematician. Narrated in biographical style, it tells Newton`s story in such an enchanting manner that it is simply hard to turn the book down without finishing it completely.isbn-9788189973438

Pages : 24
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