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Invertibrate Zoology

by Dr. P. S. Verma, Jordan,E.L.

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  Description: ¢ For B.Sc. and B.Sc(hons.) students of all Indian Universities & Also as per UGC Model Curriculum. ¢ The multicoloured figures and arrestingly natural photographs effectively complement the standard text matter. ¢ The target readers shall highly benefit by correlating the content with the muliticoloured figures and photographs ¢ The book has been further upgraded with addition of important questions: long, short, very short and multiple questions in all chapters. ¢ A complete comprehensive source for the subject matter of various university examinations.
Contents: Introduction General Principles of Systematics and Animal Classification Protoplasma¦ Cell- Structure and Function Cell Division Reproduction Gametogenesis Fertilization Parthenogenesis The Invertebrates Phylum Protozoa Euglena Trypanosoma Amoeba Entamoeba Elphidium Monocytis Eimeria Plsmodium Paramecium Vorticella Protozoa: Characters, Classification and Types Protozoa in General A¢Å“a¦ Phylum Porifera Leucosolenia Scypha Porifera: Characters, Classification and Types Porifera in General, Metazoa Phylum Coelenterata Hydra Obeliaa¦ Aurelia Metridium Coelenterata: Characters, Classification and Types Coelenterata in General Phylum Ctenophora Phylum Platyhelminthes Dugesia Polystoma Fasciola Taenia Platyheiminthes : Characters, Classification and Types Platyhelminthes in General Phylum Ascheiminthes Ascaris Ancylostoma Wuchereria Ascheiminthes: Characters Classification and Types Nematodes in General Heiminth and Human Diseases Phylum Entoprocta Phylum Nemertinea Phylum Acanthocephala Phylum Rotifera Phylum Ectoprocta (Bryozoa) Phylum Brachiopoda Phylum Phoronida Phylum Mollusca A¢Å“a¦ Pila A¢Å“a¦ Lamellidens (Unio) Mollusca: Characters, Classification and Types a¦ Mollusca in General A¢Å“a¦ Phylum Annelida A¢Å“a¦ Neanthes Pheretima Hirudinaria Annelida: Characters Classification and Types Annelida in General Phylum Arthropoda Palaemon Scorpion Periplaneta A¢Å“a¦ Grasshopper Culex and Anopheles Musca Apis Bombyx, Cimex Termites Arthropoda: Characters, Classification and Types Arthropoda in General Peripatus Phylum Echinodermata A¢Å“a¦ Asterias Echinodermata: Characters Classification and Types Echinodermata in General Phylum Hemichordata Hemichordata: Characters, Classification and Types Glossary Selected References Index. ISBN 812190367X

Pages : 1146
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