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  Non-State Armed Groups in South Asia

Non-State Armed Groups In South Asia

by Ed. Arpita Anant

  Price : Rs 1095.00
  Your Price : Rs 897.90
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  This book is a comprehensive survey of a large number of non-state armed groups in South Asia. It brings together rich and rigorous contributions by scholars in India and reflects their deep understanding not only of the groups, but also the socio-economic and political environs in which they sustain themselves. More importantly, the book is a contribution to the field of research on terrorism. Going beyond a mere profiling of groups, the method of structured focused comparison provides an opportunity to make some contingent generalizations regarding non-state armed groups in the region. The book will be useful for further research on non-state armed violence, including- but not limited to-testing the validity of these generalisations, providing a comparative perspective on select groups and studying more cases to enrich the generalisations.

ISBN - 9788182745759

Pages : 422
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