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   	 Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1, 6th Edition

Enterprise Javabeans 3.1, 6Th Edition

by Bill Burke, Andrew Lee Rubinger

  Price : Rs 725.00
  Your Price : Rs 616.25
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  Learn how to code, package, deploy, and test functional Enterprise JavaBeans with the latest edition of this bestselling guide. Written by the developers of JBoss EJB 3.1, this book not only brings you up to speed on each component type and container service in this implementation, it also provides a workbook with several hands-on examples to help you gain immediate experience with these components.

With version 3.1, EJB`s server-side component model for building distributed business applications is simpler than ever. But it`s still a complex technology that requires study and lots of practice to master. Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1 is the most complete reference on this specification. You`ll find a straightforward, no-nonsense explanation of the underlying technology, including Java classes and interfaces, the component model, and the runtime behavior of EJB.

Develop your first EJBs with a hands-on walkthrough of EJB 3.1 concepts
Learn how to encapsulate business logic with Session Beans and Message-Driven Beans
Discover how to handle persistence through Entity Beans, the EntityManager, and the Java Persistence API
Understand EJB`s container services such as dependency injection, concurrency, and interceptors
Integrate EJB with other technologies in the Java Enterprise Edition platform
Use examples with either the JBossAS, OpenEJB, or GlassFish v3 EJB Containers

About the Authors
As Senior Software Engineer at JBoss, a Division of Red Hat, Andrew Lee Rubinger is primarily responsible for development of the company`s EJB 3.x implementation. He was an early adopter of JEE technologies and an active contributor in the tech community.

Bill Burke is a Fellow at the JBoss division of REd Hat Inc. A long time JBoss contributor and architect, his current project is RESTEasy, RESTful Web Services for Java. ISBN: 9789350231135

Pages : 788
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