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  Dreamweaver CS5: The Missing Manual

Dreamweaver Cs5: The Missing Manual

by David Sawyer Mcfarland

  Price : Rs 1225.00
  Your Price : Rs 1041.25
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  Adobe`s website-development program lets you revamp an existing site, or design, build, and manage a new one without writing a single line of code. But learning Dreamweaver is tricky. This step-by-step guide helps you master this versatile program with jargon-free language, hands-on tutorials, and savvy advice from a Dreamweaver pro.

Get complete guidance. Go from building your first web page to creating interactive, database-driven sites

Build skills as you learn. Apply your knowledge using 12 tutorials and downloadable practice files

Create a thoroughly modern website. Build fast-loading pages based on powerful, easy-to-use CSS tools

Add instant interactivity. Use pre-packaged JavaScript programs to add forms, drop-down menus, and more

Tap into databases. Connect your site to a database and build pages that display the information

Discover hidden tips and tricks. Learn undocumented workarounds and shortcuts

Have it your way. Customize the way Dreamweaver looks and works to suit your needs

About the Author
David Sawyer McFarland is president of Sawyer McFarland Media, Inc., a Web development and training company in Portland, Oregon. He`s been building websites since 1995, when he designed an online magazine for communication professionals. He`s served as webmaster at the University of California at Berkeley and the Berkeley Multimedia Research Center, and oversaw a complete CSS-driven redesign of Macworld.com. David is also a writer and trainer, and teaches in the Portland State University multimedia program. He wrote the bestselling Missing Manual titles on Adobe Dreamweaver, CSS, and JavaScript.ISBN: 9789350230534

Pages : 1116
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