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  Numerical Analysis for Scientists and Engineers: Theory and C Programs

Numerical Analysis For Scientists And Engineers: Theory And C Programs

by Madhumangal Pal

  Price : Rs 850.00
  Your Price : Rs 850.00
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  Numerical Analysis for Scientists and Engineers develops the subject gradually by illustrating several examples for both the beginners and the advanced readers using very simple language. The classical and recently developed numerical methods are derived from mathematical and computational points of view. Different aspects of errors in computation are discussed in detailed. Some finite difference operators and different techniques to solve difference equations are presented here. Various types of interpolation, including cubic-spline, methods and their applications are introduced. Direct and iterative methods for solving algebraic and transcendental equations, linear system of equations, evaluation of determinant and matrix inversion, computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix are well discussed in this book. Detailed concept of curve fitting and function approximation, differentiation and integration (including Monte Carlo method) are given. Many numerical methods to solve ordinary and partial differential equations with their stability and analysis are also presented. The algorithms and programs in C are designed for most of the numerical methods. This book is also suitable for competitive examinations like NET, GATE and SLET, etc.ISBN-9788173197864

Pages : 674
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