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  Rural Insitutes Directory

Rural Insitutes Directory

by S.V. Prabhath

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 435.60
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  This is a modest attempt to present a Directory of Rural Institutions in an ˜as is where is` fashion. It encompasses the gamut of organizations that are working across the length and breadth of the country, towards the common goal of nation building from the grassroots level. This compilation, profiling ˜alive and active` rural institute is an honest endeavour of the National Council of Rural Institutes (NCRI) to string together the far flung establishments engaged in socio-economic upliftment of the poorest of the poor, as well as the socially underprivileged, on a common thread. The directory of Rural Institutes attempts to help anyone seeking information on the activities of and access to the nationwide working-groups. Between the covers of this book are some of the rural institutes which are dedicated to promoting education in diverse aspects ranging from agriculture, health, energy, micro planning, entrepreneurship, rural industries etc. to women`s empowerment, sustainable livelihood promotion and community involvement. We hope this effort will usher in a new direction towards networking like-minded individuals, groups and institutions. ISBN 9788183874427

Pages : 288
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