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   Diagnostic Imaging: Quality Assurance 1st Edition

Diagnostic Imaging: Quality Assurance 1St Edition

by Rehani

  Price : Rs 795.00
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The futuristic considerations demand detailed discussion of quality assurance in diagnostic imaging which forms a major component of this book. The text discusses a wide range of topics including a general coverage of total quality management (TQM), methods for the assessment of image quality, quality control tests, quality criteria in dental radiography, and a plan for nation-wide programme on quality assurance in diagnostic X-ray equipment. A special section on quality assurance in nuclear medicine includes overview, equipment quality control, software validation, certification criteria and image quality analysis. The text spells out the meaning of quality and the radiologist`s perception of quality in ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, and provides physical concepts and methodologies covering a large number areas. At the end of the text a panel discussion on "quality assurance: needs an implementation" brings to the fore the practical issues underlying the theme of quality in imaging. This is the first authentic publication in India focusing on the theoretical and practical aspects of quality assurance in imaging. The students and faculty in radiology, nuclear medicine and radiography, as well as the radiologists in practice will find this volume extremely useful in grasping and understanding the topics concerning the quality control and assurance. ISBN 9788171794379

Pages : 258
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