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  Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance

Introduction To Risk Management And Insurance

by Dorfman, Mark S.

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 420.75
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  This book introduces students to basic insurance concepts from the consumer`s point of view and equips them with the tools to make intelligent, informed insurance purchasing decisions. It provides the students with a solid foundation in traditional terminology and concepts as well as insight into trends and issues that will be important in the future. It is thoroughly revised and updated to include significant events in recent history as well as their impact on the insurance industry.

The text is suitable for upper level undergraduate/graduate courses in Principles of Insurance and Risk Management.

Key Features :

Comprehensive coverage and broad appeal.

Helps students sharpen their critical-thinking and communication skills.

Provides Learning tools like Learning Objectives in the beginning of the chapters and self-test reviews and questions at the end ensure students fully comprehend chapter material and are well prepared for exams. Discussion questions and Internet Research Assignments give students further practice putting concepts into real-world contexts. In addition, boldfaced type alerts readers to key vocabulary, while shaded boxes spotlight important material like insurance policy language and judicial decisions.

Presents the new business practices arising due to ethical lapses involving brokers.

Includes references to The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) prescribed norms on how and when insurance companies should recognize profits and report the value of their assets and liabilities.isbn-9788120339132

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