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  CORPORATE CHAMPIONS:  Excellent Companies of India

Corporate Champions: Excellent Companies Of India

by B Karunakar

  Price : Rs 450.00
  Your Price : Rs 450.00
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  The year 1991 was a turning point in the history of the Indian economy. Liberalization saw a tremendous increase in competition from multinationals in almost all industrial sectors. This book examines how a few ‘Good’ Indian companies became ‘Excellent’ by withstanding the onslaught of competitive pressures and flourishing despite a fast-changing and unpredictable economic environment.

Distilling vast amounts of data on 23 Indian companies belonging to a range of industries, the book draws out the factors that made these companies achieve business excellence. The author uses a three-tier filtering process with increasingly strict criteria for narrowing down from the initial 144 companies to the 23 researched companies to the final seven exceptional companies.

In the quest to find the answer to what made these companies perform exceptionally, the author proposes a business model based on strategy, execution excellence and leadership that provides a compelling explanation for the superlative performance of these outstanding companies.

ISBN - 9788132107125

Pages : 400
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