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  Law and Practice of Intellectual Property in India

Law And Practice Of Intellectual Property In India

by Vikas Vashishth (Dr.)

  Price : Rs 1195.00
  Your Price : Rs 1195.00
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  The Trade Marks Act, 1999* The Patents Act, 1970* The Copyright Act, 1957* The Designs Act, 2000* The Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999* The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers` Rights Act, 2001* Biological Diversity Act, 2002with RulesThe term `intellectual property` covers trade marks, patents, copyrights, designs, know-how, etc. With globalisation and the world becoming a single market place, these intangible property rights are becoming increasingly valuable. Any attempt to infringe or pass-off such rights must be given full legal protection and severely discouraged. Thus, there is an increasing litigation in these areas.The present third edition of this book is an honest and sincere attempt by a prominent lawyer of the Supreme Court to examine comprehensively at one place the entire gamut of case-law. The various law points emerging from the judicial pronouncements of the Supreme Court and High Courts all over India have been arranged sectionwise in a style very useful to the professionals and the corporate sector. The author has studied all the cases on the subject and those which are considered helpful in exposition of the principles governing the law of intellectual property have been embodied in this book. The utility of this publication is greatly enhanced by the inclusion of the relevant Rules on all subjects.

The book will be tremendously useful to the judiciary in adjudicating disputes, the bar in advocating cases of their clients, industrialists and the corporate sector in understanding the legal provisions and preferring to be on the right side of the law, researchers, academicians, law colleges and students of law, commerce, economics and business management. ISBN: 8177371193

Pages : 1200
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