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Graph Theory

by Singh, G. Suresh

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 505.75
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  Graphical representations have given a new dimension to the problem solving exercise in diverse subjects like mathematics, bio-sciences, chemical sciences, computer science and information technology, social sciences and linguistics. This book is devoted to the models of graph theory, and the solutions provided by these models to the problems encountered in these diverse fields of study.

The text offers a comprehensive and coherent introduction to the fundamentals of graph theory, besides giving an application based approach to the subject. Divided into 13 chapters, the book begins with explicating the basics of graph theory, moving onto the techniques involved while drawing the graphs.

The subsequent chapters dwell onto the problems solved by the Ramsey table and Perfect graphs. The algebraic graphs and their concepts are also explained with great precision. The concluding chapters discuss research oriented methodologies carried out in the field of graph theory. The research works include the work done by the author himself such as on Union Graphs and Triangular Graceful Graphs, and their ramifications.

Primarily intended as a textbook for the undergraduate and postgraduate students of mathematics and computer science, this book will be equally useful for the undergraduate students of engineering. Apart from that, the book can be used as a reference by the researchers and mathematicians. isbn-9788120341050

Pages : 288
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