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  India`s Foreign Relations - 2008 (Set Of 2 Vols.)

India`S Foreign Relations - 2008 (Set Of 2 Vols.)

by Avtar Singh Bhasin

  Price : Rs 3150.00
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  This is the sixth volume in the annual series: INDIA`S FOREIGN RELAT1ONAS, published in cooperation with the Public Diplomacy Division of the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India. The debate on India - US Civil Nuclear Energy Cooperation Agreement during the year dominated the foreign policy discourse. The Left Parties and the principal opposition party the BJP, each for its own reasons, opposed the agreement. The intellectual community too was vertically divided on the desirability of the agreement. ... To the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, the Agreement is a harbinger of great change and part of the nuclear renaissance sweeping the world, which he said, "India cannot afford to miss". As a first step towards its implementation, India is presently engaged with the IAEA for an India specific safeguards agreement. During the year, regional and inter-regional economic cooperation hogged the limelight. India hosted the 14th SAARC Summit and the India - European Union Summit. The Prime Minister attended the India-ASEAN and East Asia Summits besides the CHOGM and the G-8 Outreach Summit. The second Summit of the IBSA took place in South Africa while its Ministerial Commission met in New Delhi. The foreign ministers of India, China and Russia met twice in standalone trilateral conferences in New Delhi and Harbin. On the bilateral side, India-Russia Summits, both in New Delhi and in Moscow, provided greater depth to their political, strategic and defence relations. Six hundred sixty-five documents in this compendium are a testimony to the multifaceted external relations India enjoys today, with the countries across the globe.

ISBN - 9788190315081

Pages : 2734
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