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  COMPUTER GRAPHICS Using OpenGLa® 3rd edi.

Computer Graphics Using Opengla® 3Rd Edi.

by Kelley Jr, Stephen M. , Hill Jr, F. S.

  Price : Rs 650.00
  Your Price : Rs 552.50
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  Updated for the latest advances, algorithms, and hardware, this book teaches how to develop and test real OpenGL programs, step-by-step.

Students learn through examples that are directly relevant to today`s movies, games, Internet and interactive applications. They move from simple line drawings to increasingly complex techniques, including surfaces, shading, and NURBS. Equal weight is given in this edition to both modeling and viewing.

Highlights of the Third Edition :

Reflects the latest versions of OpenGL and its shading language

Focuses more quickly on 3D and other contemporary techniques

Presents more coverage of interactive graphics, including menu design and real-time interaction

Discusses the evolution of video games

Explains the entire graphics pipeline

Contains a full chapter on ray tracing, with derivations of relevant algorithms

Includes many new problems.isbn-9788120338296

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