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  THE 9-TO-5 YOGI : How to Feel Like a Sage While Working Like a Dog

The 9-To-5 Yogi : How To Feel Like A Sage While Working Like A Dog

by Shubhra Krishan

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 200.00
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  This compact but comprehensive volume contains easy-to-follow practical tips on how to transform your lifestyle to effectively cope with that dreaded scourge called stress (and its aftereffects) while slogging from 9 to 5 (and beyond)!
Frustrated, frazzled and fatigued, Uma, the fictitious-but-very-real heroine of this story (a top-level executive in the corporate world), undergoes a nervous breakdown because she has been deprived of a promotion that should have rightfully been hers as she has worked day and night for it. Her energy levels have hit rock-bottom. Fortunately, a ‘saviour’ comes to her rescue in the nick of time. In the space of a few months, she is transformed from a virtual zombie to a 9-to-5 yogi! How? Nope, she does not move to the Himalayas. Or join Swami-something-Ananda. All she does is make some simple changes to her routine (suggested by a down-to-earth yoga guru along with useful inputs from her ‘saviour’) that work wonders for her even as she maintains her work schedules.
Offering substantive information with a light touch, Shubhra Krishan shows how, by starting with a few mild and easy ‘strokes’, anyone can swim away from the whirlpool of chaos towards the shore of good health, mental stability and a tranquil life pattern. The beauty of her thoughtfully chosen insights is that they use simplicity to create simplicity. That’s what someone as timestrapped and life-zapped as Uma needs. And Uma could be – you! You will come to know amazing facts such as: How ordinary items of daily use such as milk and milk products, vegetables, fruits and spices possess extraordinary healing powers; how the books you read, the TV programmes you watch and the colours of your walls and those of your bedlinen can affect your sleep patterns; and how a self-massage can get rid of fatigue and lead to absolute bliss. Here’s wishing you a happy journey towards achieving inner calm, a balanced mind and, above all, a fun-filled life in the future!

ISBN - 9789380480619

Pages : 190
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