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  New Developments in Concrete Construction

New Developments In Concrete Construction

by Ravindra K. Dhir, Moray D. Newlands

  Price : Rs 750.00
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  New Developments in Concrete Construction
After water, concrete is the second most used material on earth and due to its robustness, versatility, and cost, it is most important to the provision of national infrastructure. However, concrete is now considered unsustainable, because of the carbon footprints of the materials used, inappropriately specified and manufactured, resulting in resource inefficiency and durability concerns and the methods are being explored to mitigate these factors.

The UKIERI Collaborative Concrete Research Group organised this Congress under the theme of Concrete for 21st Century Construction, 8-10 March 2011 to address new developments in concrete and construction and their role in responding to the rapid growth in national infrastructure demands. The Congress consisted of two individual events:

1. New Developments in Concrete Construction.
2. Concrete for High Performance Sustainable Infrastructure.

This volume examines the current developments within the concrete construction industry that are relevant to India and other countries with rapidly growing construction programmes. The topics covered addressed the technical challenges being faced by concrete as it strives to adapt to ever increasing demands placed on it by designers and environments in which it must perform, as well as the role it has to play in addressing the need for sustainable infrastructure.

About the Authors
Professor Ravindra Dhir OBE, Emeritus Professor, University of Dundee, Visiting Professor, Trinity College Dublin and Director of Applying Concrete knowledge, is a scholar and practitioner in concrete technology with research interests covering many areas, including cement additions, sustainability and durability of concrete. He is the founding Director of Concrete Technology Unit, which he established in 1988 and developed it into a a£15m internationally acknowledged Centre of Excellence. His approach to research has been visionary, enabling him to achieve a meaningful dissemination of research to practice, which won him several prestigious awards, including The Order of the British Empire. He was the President of the Concrete Society UK, 2009-2010.

Dr Moray Newlands, is a Lecturer in Concrete Technology in the Division of Civil Engineering, University of Dundee, UK. His research interest includes concrete durability and performance with particular reference to carbonation, test methods for performance specification, innovative use of cement combination and use of recycled materials in concrete and highway construction. He is also currently Secretary to the European Standards Committee CEN TC51/WG12/TG5, which is developing test methods for concrete performance.isbn-9789350233245

Pages : 296
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