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  Indian English: Towards a New Paradigm

Indian English: Towards A New Paradigm

by Rama Kant Agnihotri And Rajendra Singh (Eds.)

  Price : Rs 950.00
  Your Price : Rs 807.50
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  Millions of educated Indians use English in some domains, but exactly what is Indian English, how is it best understood and described, and how far is it from the claimed centres of the socio-cultural space accorded to English? Centred around a scholarly dialogue, this book comprises a Target Paper by Rajendra Singh and some responses to it from scholars around the world. In his Target Paper, Singh examines the status and structure of Indian English and its place in the language ecology of India. His examination of these issues leads him to question the dichotomy ‘native’ and ‘non-native’ varieties of English and to argue that it cannot be sustained. Agnihotri and Singh have in this book broken fresh ground in the study of English, particularly in the study of post-colonial varieties such as Indian English.

ISBN - 9788125043713

Pages : 336
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