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  Multifocal IOLs

Multifocal Iols

by Goes

  Price : Rs 8250.00
  Your Price : Rs 6600.00
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  A concise and simplified text. It emphasises the state-of-art technique of multifocal IOLs. It represents the current knowledge of the technique, the most widely used approaches, clinical experiences, surgical outcomes, patient selection and also the basics. It helps the surgeon understand the different types of multifocal IOL. Multifocals are top products with more and more extrafeatures. An up-todate treatise on multifocal IOLs and their development. 1. Optical Principles of Multifocal IOLs, 2. Accommodative Lens Refilling, 3. How to Test Reading Improvement after Presbyopic Surgery?, 4. Importance of Reading Speed in Multifocal IOL Implantation, 5. Multifocal IOLs and Dynamic Vision, 6. Improvement of Visual Function with Training after Multifocal Intraocular Lens Implantation, 7. Eyemaginations, 8. The Current Status of Multifocal IOLs, 9. Current Status of Accommodative IOLs, 10. Clinical Result with the New Generation of Multifocal Intraocular Lenses, 11. IOL Calculation for Multifocal IOLs, 12. IOL Power Calculation Formulas-An Update, 13. Premium Presbyopia-Correcting IOLs, 14. Mixing and Matching IOLs: Options and Results, 15. Personal Experiences with the Single Optic 1 CU and the Synchrony Dual Optic Accommodative IOls, 16. First Experiences with the Rayner Aspheric, Toric, Multifocal Intraocular Lens, 17. Bilateral ReZoom Implantations: Personal Experience, 18. Multifocal IOLs in Children, 19. How to Proceed with Multifocals in Children, 20. Male/Female Differences Regarding Patient Satisfaction after Implantation of Multifocal IOLs, 21. Mixing and Matching Customized Approach Tecnis-ReZoom, 22. How to Obtain Patient Satisfaction Using ReZoom-Tecnis and Tecnis-Tecnis?, 23. AcriLISA with MICS, 24. State of the Art Surgery for Multifocal IOL Implantation, 25. Laser Enhancement after Multifocal IOL Implantation, 26. Phaco-Ersatz: Will it be there Tomorrow? ISBN 9788184483666

Pages : 248
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