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  Emerging China:  Prospects for Partnership in Asia

Emerging China: Prospects For Partnership In Asia

by Sudhir T. Devare; Swaran Singh; Reena Marwah

  Price : Rs 995.00
  Your Price : Rs 845.75
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  "This volume seeks to examine the evolving contours of Asian multilateralism through emerging China and its impact on the growth trajectories of Asian countries. It explores the prospects for ‘partnership’ in Asia in terms of China’s engagement with its principal Asian neighbours, especially India. A substantial part of the volume is devoted to debating China–India relations, highlighting their mutual stakes through their economic and security cooperation as well as their engagement with other countries and regional forums. The book furthers the understanding of the rise of China from the perspectives of China’s neighbours, especially the Indian perspective, while simultaneously locating China’s rise in the economic dynamics of an emerging Asia.

Different articles examine issues such as Asian multilateralism, with particular focus on The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and the growing importance of China in economic, political and diplomatic spheres in Asian foreign relations. The volume offers illuminating viewpoints, analyses and insights from multiple perspectives, mixed with academic rigour and up-to-date information."

ISBN - 9780415502368

Pages : 436
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