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  Trade Liberalisation and Poverty in India

Trade Liberalisation And Poverty In India

by Veena Jha, Sarika Gupta, James Nedumpara, Kailas Karthikeyan

  Price : Rs 295.00
  Your Price : Rs 295.00
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  Trade Liberalization and Poverty in India attempts to capture the current dialogue on trade liberalization and poverty, and provides an overview of the poverty impact of trade liberalization in India. The impact of trade liberalization on poverty at the sectoral level is measured through various economic parameters, for instance, wage and employment effects, consumption effects, transitional unemployment, government revenue, etc. Apart from looking at these direct effects, the book also examines indirect effects of trade on poverty. It has also indicated areas were India`s competitive cost advantages are likely to be eroded in the future, thus point to dynamic and emerging sectors where India`s export strategy may focus.
The book has also attempted to map a wide spectrum of issues included as part of negotiations and study programme under the Doha Development Agenda, and discusses how possible negotiating outcomes could affect poverty in particular cases. The book has highlighted the role of liberalization in agriculture and services as key to poverty alleviation in India. By adopting a poverty-centred approach to liberalization instead of a liberalization-centred approach to poverty, the book points to different schemes for liberalization that have the maximum potential for poverty reduction.
This book is intended to provide comprehensive information to trade negotiators and policymakers, stakeholders and other poverty analysts in understanding the impact, both static and dynamic, of trade liberalization and its implications for poverty in India. The focus of the book on the specific issues under the Doha Round of Trade Negotiations makes it uniquely topical.isbn-9781403927385

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