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  Study Aid Theoretical Physics Vol-1, 2nd Edition

Study Aid Theoretical Physics Vol-1, 2Nd Edition

by Lukong Cornelius Fai, Dr. Ashok Mody, Cazbec Sardionovich Cabisov

  Price : Rs 475.00
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  The present methodical Study Aid to Theoretical Physics Vol. 1 (Relativistic Theory and Electrodynamics) is written for several reasons. A thorough understanding of any part of theoretical physics is meaningless without applying the gained theoretical knowledge to the problems in different fields. There are already many interesting study aids available with a large number of collections of problems in electrodynamics. However, it is observed that students often refer to various study aids in search of a suitable study aid that accomplishes the goal of problem selections with applications. This process is often inconvenient and due to the different explanations causes misconstruction about the theories. To avoid this misapprehension, proper care has been taken while selecting the problems in this study aid and is in resonance with the order of topics discussed in the Theoretical Physics Vol. 1 (Relativistic Theory and Electrodynamics). The study aid is divided in three parts: Part I: Special Theory of Relativity Part II: Electrodynamics in vacuum Part III: Electrodynamics of continuous media

The introduction contains some elements of vector analysis. This serves as a basis in the sense that it carries the bulk of formulae used further in study aid. Most of the problems are solved but some of them are given with answers only which students can consider as home assignment. At the beginning of every chapter, short theoretical introduction of the topic is given along with the important formulae. We hope that this study aid to Theoretical Physics, vol. 1 will help students in applying their knowledge to solve different problems in relativity and electrodynamics which in turn can build up the confidence in understanding of theoretical physics.

About the Authors
Prof. Lukong Cornelius Fai is Head of Condensed Matter Division as well as Mesoscopic and Multilayer Structures Laboratory, Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, as well as Chief of Division for Cooperation at the University of Dschang, Cameroon. He is also Head of Department for Physics, Ecole Normale Superieure, Annexe Bambili, University of Yaounde I, Cameroon. Prof. Fai is Senior Associate at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy. He holds a Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics (February 1997) from Moldova State University. He is the author of over twenty five scientific publications and two textbooks.

Prof. Cazbec Sardionovich Cabisov became in 2004 Professor at the Department of Physics, Moscow State Open University, Moscow, Russian Federation. He became in 1964 Assistant lecturer at the Department of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moldova State University and in 1971 senior lecturer at the same Department. In 1976, was Maitre de Conference in Oran University, Algeria and in 1985 Maitre de Conference in Fiarantosa University, Madagascar. In 1992, he became Associate Professor at the Department of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moldova State University. He is the author of over thirty scientific works and two textbooks.

Dr. Ashok Mody obtained his Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics from University of Mumbai. During the course of his post-graduate studies, he was a national scholar. At present, he is a Reader at Department of Physics, Mithibai College (University of Mumbai), Vile Parle (W), Mumbai. He is actively involved in the area of Physics Education Research and presented the papers in the international conferences. Dr. Mody is a Secretary of Indian Physics Association, Mumbai Chapter and organizing various workshops in Basic Physics for the benefit of the students and the faculty. He has been a visiting faculty at Department of Physics, University of Mumbai for Post Graduate Teaching and at Centre for Basic Science, University of Mumbai and Department of Atomic Energy collaboration at University of Mumbai for five year Integrated M.Sc. Course. He was a Post Doctoral Research Associate in Physics Education at Department of Physics, Kansas State University, Kansas, USA and worked with Prof. Dean Zollman during the year 2008-2009.isbn-9788184047929

Pages : 420
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