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  Economic Growth and Forign Trade Releations Among India, China and Asean

Economic Growth And Forign Trade Releations Among India, China And Asean

by V.B. Jugale

  Price : Rs 1195.00
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  There are varieties of externalities generated by the economies for accelerating the domestic growth rates. This has puzzled the economics theorists all the time to explore the fact that why economics theorists all the time to explore the fact that why some much faster than others? Similarity, what is the rational and mandate remain to growth rate of developing countries as compared to the developed economics? This quality & quantity of growth rates adherence to the developing economies, no doubt, but developing economics are required to look into the development rates rather than growth rates. However, to confine the boundaries of development rates and their summation of macro variable is very difficult. But, obviously, it is to diagnose the quality, it is essential to diagnose the quality, it is essential to diagnose the quality of development. Otherwise the material the material or physical growth has no scope to justify the case of development. Consequently, development indices of some of macro economic variables are being development and assessed; for example, human development index, human poverty index, social indicators of development etc. During 1970s poverty eradication program become the goals of development of most become the developing economies. During 1980s moral, ethical values are considered along with environment aspects in the development process. During 1990s the quality of and human resource development became the and thrust of the development paradigm. Self-esteem, freedom from servitude and sycophancy fetching the basic needs become the development indicators. Of late freedom, rationality, social choices, democratic setup are becoming the indicators of development.

ISBN - 9788183871594

Pages : 333
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