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  Peanut Agroecosystem: Nutrient Dynamics and Productivity

Peanut Agroecosystem: Nutrient Dynamics And Productivity

by K. R. Krishna

  Price : Rs 1695.00
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  The ˜Global Peanut Agroecosystem` is a conglomerate of Peanut cropping belts that flourish in different continents. It encompasses Peanut cropping belts of North America, Sahelian West Africa, Semi-arid India, China, Australia etc. Recent advances in Nutrient Management within each cropping belt forms core of this book. An introductory chapter highlights Historical aspects of Peanuts. Peanut Agroecosystems situated in each continent have been dealt exclusively in chapters 2 to 9. Historical background, Geographical settings, Agroclimate, Soils, Cropping systems and Productivity trends are provided at the beginning of each chapter. Aspects of Nutrient dynamics such as Soil Nutrients, Physico-chemical transformations, Nutrient fluxes, Fertilizer inputs, Organic manures, Residue recycling, Nutrient accumulations, Carryover effects, Nutrient balance/imbalances form major part of discussions. Beneficial soil microbes and their influence on crop nutrition have been highlighted. Modeling Nutrient dynamics and Precision farming has been included. Overall, it is a scholarly edition within the realm of Global Agriculture. It highlights relevance of Nutrient dynamics to Productivity of Peanut Agroecosystem.

Pages : 304
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