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  Nonconventional Machining

Nonconventional Machining

by P. K. Mishra

  Price : Rs 450.00
  Your Price : Rs 450.00
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  The book provides insight into the use of some basic processes existing today in the domain of nonconventional manufacturing (machining). This enables one to understand the difficulties in manufacturing of many components, starting with a hypodermic-needle tip to a complicated die shape and then to a sophisticated micro-miniaturised electronics. Some of the processes involve mechanical failure due to particle impact (as in case of abrasive, water or both mixed together, ultrasonics), whereas other ideal with material interaction with chemicals, electrons, photons or ions, and hardly consider the form-stability of work-tool combination as in a conventional manufacturing processes. The twelve chapters discuss the most common industrially exploited processes in detail. Each chapter starts with an orientation to the processes and is followed by exposure to the coupling of the energy causing the typical failure (theory of material removal), principle of operation of the machine and the control of process parameters affecting the process. The ending of each chapter is with a question bank to encourage self-study and references for further guidance. Students, academia and industries will find this book most useful as it contains materials beginning with state-of-the-art to most up-to-date information giving both analytical and practical approaches to the problems.

Pages : 204
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