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  Micro-Finance and Women Empowerment

Micro-Finance And Women Empowerment

by B. Malleswari

  Price : Rs 895.00
  Your Price : Rs 787.60
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Since 1950`s various governments have experiments with a large number of poverty alleviation programmes. These programmes, often not sustainable, have perpetuated the `dependency syndrome` and both the components of institutional credit and governmental subsidy were misused. These programmes were treated at best as poverty alleviation interventions. Credit goes to Professor Mohammad Yunus who has set a successful model of how micro-finance, deployed to poor rural women through Self-Help Groups, can help women become economically self-reliant and self-sufficient but psychologically self-confident and societally well-respected Citizens. Micro-finance is recognized as a key strategy for poverty alleviation and empowerment women. Micro-finance, deployed through self-help groups, and actively involves women in the decision-making process so that they make substantial process in making their lives economically mere productive and socially rewarding. This book is based on the findings of a research study conducted on "Micro-Finance Programmes and Women Empowerment" in a backward region in the state of Andhra Pradesh. An in-depth study of the mechanism of micro-finance and the evolution of Self-Help Groups (SHGs), especially in the state of Andhra Pradesh which has the distinction of highest number of SHGs, are made. Besides, the distinct feature of this book is that it made a critical study of the differential impact of micro-finance on target group beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries with regard to employment creation, income generation, savings and expenditure pattern, and asset creation. Further, the repayment performance of the beneficiaries of SHGs and the participation of women beneficiaries in decision-making is studied. Problems of women beneficiaries are focused and suitable suggestions are offered for the effective operation of Self-Help Groups and their role in the economic empowerment of poor rural women through productive use of micro-finance. This book is not only quite useful to academics, and research scholars of Economics, Sociology, Commerce, Business Management but also to the policy makers and programme implementers and the general public.

Pages : 252
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