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  She: A Woman From India

She: A Woman From India

by Sangeeta Goel

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 386.10
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  What happens when an overtly sensitive and highly erudite small town girl is forced into a bizarre marriage with a big town`s insensitive `politically ambitious brute`? `The marriage is doomed from the day one and unfortunately to last forever!` So what should she do? Pray to her eight million, four hundred thousand gods and goddesses, like her Grandma did or sink the pain in Cocktail glasses, the way her Ma was doing!

But, she being SHE, refuses to be a mute witness to her own physical, emotional and intellectual rape by her own people and leaves the country to land into liberating surroundings of Adelaide in South Australia. There, enters her life her American beau, a Nobel laureate whose teachings in Economics give her the perspective to look at life de novo.

While digging through the institution of arranged marriage that often treats woman as a commodity, she unravels the stinking rot that prevailed in the name of marriage in the lives of three generations of her family. She delves deeper and deeper into layers of hypocritical norms and sexist practices prevalent in society for ages. Meanwhile amid a kaleidoscopic backdrop of gripping events involving aboriginals, gays, junkies, street performances, mythology, conspiracy, murder and issues of homosexuality, racism, terrorism and notions of love, sex and religion; her dreams start taking wings. But, life plays truant once again.

She returns to India where destiny had set up a thrilling game in which she could not but be a pawn once again. What would she do now?

A very riveting soulful tale of a sensitive soul stifled under the weights of a decayed marital relationship attempting to let its real self unshackle!

ISBN- 9788170493150

Pages : 252
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