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  CLIMATE CHANGE, 2E From Science to Sustainability

Climate Change, 2E From Science To Sustainability

by Joe Smith, Stephen Peake

  Price : Rs 365.00
  Your Price : Rs 328.50
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  Climate Change offers a unique interdisciplinary journey through this important, and equally fascinating, field. It takes the reader from keystones of the underlying science - and not just the headlines - through to the philosophical and political consequences of climate change.

Taking into account latest scientific research and policy decisions, it blends earth science, biology, technology, economics, geography, politics, philosophy and ethics - together with other themes - to present a coherent, balanced overview of the field, with a particular eye towards one goal: the sustainability of our planet.

The potential impact of climate change is vast; Climate Change is the ideal guide to developing the skills needed to take part in the debates that will shape our future.

Pages : 304
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