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  Computer Aided Simulations

Computer Aided Simulations

by Lanka Udawatta, Buddhika Jayasekara

  Price : Rs 550.00
  Your Price : Rs 550.00
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  Computer Aided Simulation provides conceptual and procedural information, starting from basics to advanced systems and a general treatment of simulation techniques based on MatLab programming language. This includes an introduction to computer aided simulations, physical systems modeling, basics on program development for computer simulations, preliminary computer simulation examples, advanced simulations and methodical presentations on simulation results. In addition to MatLab based illustrations, physical systems are modeled using fundamental laws in order to derive systems equations. Once the system is modeled, according to the required algorithm, programs are developed and visualises the simulation results for scientific and engineering presentations. This book can be used as learning material for engineers, scientists, graduate and undergraduate students working on system simulations, projects, research and development activities.


Pages : 290
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