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  Parsons` Diseases of the Eye, 21/e

Parsons` Diseases Of The Eye, 21/E

by Radhika Tandon, Ramanjit Sihota

  Price : Rs 1075.00
  Your Price : Rs 913.75
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  Parsons` Diseases of the Eye has been a trusted textbook for undergraduate students for more than 100 years! It also caters to the basic needs of postgraduate students and practitioners who need to refer to this book for a quick review of basic concepts.

The book was first published in 1907, and on account of its clear and friendly presentation style as well as its authoritative coverage of ocular disorders, it quickly became a fundamental text for students. Since then the book has maintained its popularity with students through regular revisions and updates.

The 19th edition of this book has been specially adapted to the context of Indian subcontinent and is also relevant to other South Asian countries with a special mention about the infections that occur predominantly in this region. The present 21st edition continues this trend by presenting unparalleled guidance on nearly every ophthalmic condition and procedure, including the latest advances in the field, making the book more comprehensive and contemporary.
ISBN 9788131225547

Pages : 608
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