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  Raja Rao - An Introduction (Contemporary Indian Writers in English)

Raja Rao - An Introduction (Contemporary Indian Writers In English)

by Letizia Alterno

  Price : Rs 295.00
  Your Price : Rs 241.90
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  Contemporary Indian Writing in English (CIWE) is a series that presents critical commentaries on some of the best-known names in the genre. With the high visibility of Indian writing in English in academic, critical, pedagogic and reader circles, there is a perceivable demand for lucid yet rigorous introductions to several of its authors and genres.

The CIWE texts cater to a wide audience – from the student seeking information and critical material on particular works to the general, informed reader who might want to know a little more about an author he/she has just finished reading. Cast in a user-friendly format and written with a high degree of critical and theoretical rigour, the texts in the series will provide astute, accessible, informed entry-points into a wide range of works and writers.

CIWE, we hope, will further strengthen the interest in and readership of one of the most significant components of world literatures in English.

Raja Rao, as one of the Big Three of Indian English Literature, was known for his distinctive writing style that experiments with a ‘new` English to tell the story of his India. Rao`s work – both his fiction and non-fiction – leads to a metaphysical exploration that gives an insight into the ideological foundations of India , the country and India, the spiritual Mother. In this study, Letizia Alterno examines Rao`s work from a psychological and spiritual point of view, bringing out the author`s innate connection to Indian philosophy through the theme of a quest for a Guru.

Key Features:
• Introduces Raja Rao`s philosophy to students, bringing both the East and West together.
• Suitable for both Indian and Western readers looking to learn more about Raja Rao
• A new look at themes in Raja Rao`s fiction – the Missing Mother and the Search for a Guru
• An extensive bibliography


Series Editor’s Preface
1. Introduction
2. Raja Rao and his Fictional Characters
3. The Missing Mother in Rao’s Fiction
4. The Yearning for a Guru
5. Interminable Tales: The Short Stories
6. Meaningful Gurus: The Meaning of India and The Great Indian Way
7. Before and After the Guru: Two Early Works
8. Critical Unorthodoxy: Standpoints
Topics for Discussion
Bibliography and Webliography
Primary Sources
Secondary Sources

ISBN - 9788175966277

Pages : 232
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