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  The Path to Awakening A Commentary on Ja Chekawa Yeshe Dorje`s Seven Points of Mind Training

The Path To Awakening A Commentary On Ja Chekawa Yeshe Dorje`S Seven Points Of Mind Training

by Shamar Rinpoche, Lara Braitstein

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 297.50
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  Mind Training is a comprehensive practice that is suitable for all types of students. It contains the entire path and does not depend on a person`s background. Mind Training nurses and cultivates the Buddha Nature that pure seed of awakening that is at the very heart of every sentient being. It has the power to transform even egotistical self-clinging into self-lessness. Put into practice diligently, it is enough to lead all the way to awakening

In The Path to Awakening, Shamar Rinpoche gives his own detailed commentary on Chekawa YeshE DorjE™s Seven Points of mind Training, a text that has been used as a basis for transformative practice in Tibetan Buddhism for close to a thousand years. Clear accessible, and yet profound, this book is filled with practical wisdom, philosophy, and meditation instructions.

Pages : 110
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