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  Development of Scheduled Caste

Development Of Scheduled Caste

by Anil Bhuimali

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 611.60
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The Indian Society is based on Caste System which is, in fact, a two-tier construction i.e. upper caste and lower caste. The Caste System alienated a larger part of our society from the mainstream. The division of society according to privileges enjoyed by the people paints carefully the picture of social exploitation of a community by another Community. The present edited book is an attempt to describe different development aspects of Scheduled Caste. Different aspects such as discrimination and inequality, well-being of rural women, income inequality, contribution of some social reformers in the nation-making, development and empowerment, disadvantaged migrants, primary education, constitutional safeguards, literacy, political reservation and the role of Scheduled Caste Women in decision-making have well been documented by social scientists. This is a timely Publication in the sense that it has presented some thought-provoking papers relevant for understanding the issue of reservation especially for the most disadvantaged in the Community. It cannot be denied that in a country like ours some form of affirmative action is unavoidable to eradicate various forms of social, cultural and economic backwardness.

ISBN - 9788183871235

Pages : 217
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