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  Health, Equity and Human Rights

Health, Equity And Human Rights

by C.P. Prakasam, K.E. Vaidyanathan, U.V. Somayajulu & N. Audinarayana

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Health is the most widely considered constituent of individual well-being and community`s advancement and is often judged as a necessary condition for the fulfillment of all other personal and public aspirations. The constitution of India guarantees equal rights to everyone and safeguards for protection and promotion of health, health utilization and health care delivery. Nevertheless in a complex society like India, disparities are inevitable, and these are examined in this book by different researchers and scholars. The concept of `human rights` is no longer a mere academic subject but a tool to challenge any prejudiced practices in terms of class, caste, gender, age, ethnicity, language or such other inequalities. Bringing health and human rights together in the context of socioeconomic development means examining the circumstances in which they function and seeking to identify opportunities for the elaboration of sound policy and programs. This volume is an outcome of the evidence based research carried out by the researchers and scholars bring out comprehensive issues focusing on seven dimensions: Ethics and Human Rights, Inequalities in Health Care Utilization, Maternal Health, Gender Dimensions of Health, Policies and Health Programs to reduce Vulnerability, Nutrition and Health, Social Aspects of Health. The first section brings out the concepts of Health and human rights, ethical issues in health research and inequalities in occupation. The second section brings out issues on inequalities in health resources and role of women empowerment in utilizing health care and Health facilities. Issues related to implementation of Maternal and child health care services, trends and differentials in different states are covered in section three. Gender dimensions of Health and its inequalities influencing child survival, health at old age have been brought out in section four. Policies and health programs implemented in India and the disparities and limitations in making health care delivery for all sections of population, influence of food, nutrition on Health and social aspects of Health are covered in the rest sections. In fact to bring out all issues and perspectives related to Health, Equity and Human rights and establish linkages is a complex and multifaceted, and no single document can do justice to this emerging issue of our times. But, still, it is hoped that this volume would lead to a deeper understanding of the interface between Health, Equity and Human rights.
ISBN 9788183873963

Pages : 483
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