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  Google Apps Deciphered: Compute in the Cloud to Streamline Your Desktop

Google Apps Deciphered: Compute In The Cloud To Streamline Your Desktop

by Scott Granneman

  Price : Rs 750.00
  Your Price : Rs 615.00
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  Google Apps gives you virtually all the business and productivity software you need“all of it free, or available at extremely low cost. Because the suite of Google Apps runs on Google`s network in the cloud, you avoid the hassles that go with desktop software. Getting started with Google Apps is easy“but if you want to make the most of it, you`ll need expert guidance that Google`s online help doesn`t provide. Get all the help you need, right here.

This is your start-to-finish guide to setting up Google Apps, migrating to it, customizing it, and using it to improve productivity, communications, and collaboration. Scott Granneman introduces every leading component individually, and shows exactly how to make them work together for you on the web or by integrating them with your favorite desktop apps. You`ll find practical insights on Google Apps email, calendaring, contacts, wikis, word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, video, and even Google`s new web browser Chrome. And, drawing on his extensive experience helping companies move to Google Apps, Granneman presents tips and tricks you simply won`t find anywhere else. ISBN-9788131758106

Pages : 592
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