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  Empowerment of Widows: A Three Generation Study

Empowerment Of Widows: A Three Generation Study

by K. Malathi

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 523.60
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The widows are the neglected and the voiceless segmen of the society. The oppressive traditional society has been booking down upon the widows after the demise of their husbands. They are denied even the basic human rights like attending ceremonies, writing letters to the friends and relatives. They are provided low protein food and they have to be confined to backyards of the house and they are forbidden from appearing in public. Several crusaders have fought for the rights of widows. Social reform movements started in various parts of India. Such social uprisings have lead to the adoption of various legislative measures including the Abolition of Sati Act, the Hindu widows Re-Marriage Act etc. Various welfare schemes for the betterment of widows have been introduced in Tamil Nadu since the launching of the five year plans. Several welfare organisations have been working for the uplift of widows. How for have these legislations, reforms, social activism and welfare schemes brought about the transformation away the Naidu widows, is the topic of the research. The major findings of the study are quiet revealing. Less than half of the respondent alone could take independent decisions. The rest of the respondents had to depend on others to take decisions. The attitude of widows to various factors like remarriage, employment, participation in politics, education after widowhood, child adoption etc are positive. The attitude of others towards widows particularly the parents in law, brothers-in-law and other women towards then was negative. Some of the recommendations like compulsory education for women, employment to widows, issue of land rates in the name of widows, formation of SHG for widows will bring about drastic change in the life of the widows. The study concludes that empowerment of widows depends on education and employment.

Pages : 208
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