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  Environmental History of Early India A Reader

Environmental History Of Early India A Reader

by Nandini Sinha Kapur

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 625.50
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  The last decade has seen a spurt of writings on environmental history. However, a history of early India has rarely been constructed from this perspective. One of the first anthologies on the subject, this reader, presents a comprehensive survey of environmental history in ancient and early medieval India. It examines significant aspects of early Indian society and state, and their relationship with the natural environment.

Presenting a multidimensional analysis, this volume discusses various aspects of the history of the environment in early and early medieval India like:
# deforestation, agricultural expansion, settlement patterns, and royal sanctions and charters related to forests;
# development of irrigation and water resources;
# significance of marginal communities, and the impact of Puranic religion on topography;
# pastoralism and agrarian economy;
# botany and plant sciences in ancient India.

Contributors include
Ranabir Chakravarti ¢ R. Champakalakshmi ¢ Ajay Dandekar ¢ Nancy E. Falk ¢ V.K. Jain ¢ Nayanjot Lahiri ¢ Shyam Narayan Lal ¢ David Ludden ¢ M.L.K. Murty ¢ Vijay Nath ¢ Aloka Parasher-Sen ¢ Anil Rawat ¢ Kumkum Roy ¢ R. S. Sharma ¢ K. Sivathamby ¢ Romila Th apar ¢ Kamil V. Zvelebil

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