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  Islamic Republic of Iran and Eritrea: A Glimpse

Islamic Republic Of Iran And Eritrea: A Glimpse

by Shankar Chatterjee

  Price : Rs 395.00
  Your Price : Rs 347.60
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As world has become a “Global Village” so getting information, gathering knowledge from one corner of the world to other corner is an easy task. But travelling from one corner to another for a common man/middle income earner is still a problem as huge sum of money is required not only as travel cost but payment towards visa, airport tax etc. The problem is neutralized to a great extent if some one gets employment or invited by the foreign country as resource person. The author had the opportunity to visit two countries viz., Islamic Republic of Iran (Resource person) and the State of Eritrea (Associate Professor). Islamic Republic of Iran is famous for its ancient civilization. Most of its places have historical importance. Moreover the country is surrounded by three seas – Caspian, Gulf of Persian and Sea of Oman and many rivers and mountains. From tourism point of view a country is to be seen. The author visited Iran in May 2001 and shared his experience about the country in this volume. Eritrea, a small country located in north east Africa, is a young nation as it got its independence in the year 1991. Author worked as Associate Professor for two years and during this period he could get an idea about their culture, food habit, language, tourist places etc. All these have been narrated by the author in this volume.

Pages : 111
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