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  News as Culture - Journalistic Practices and the Remaking of Indian Leadership Traditions

News As Culture - Journalistic Practices And The Remaking Of Indian Leadership Traditions

by Ursula Rao

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  At the turn of the millennium, Indian journalism has undergone significant changes. The rapid commercialization of the press, together with an increase in literacy and political consciousness, has led to swift growth in the newspaper market but also changed the way news makers mediate politics. Positioned at a historical junction where India is clearly feeling the effects of market liberalization, News as Culture demonstrates how journalists and informants interactively create new forms of political action and consciousness. The book explores English and Hindi news making and investigates the creation of news relations during the production process and how they affect political images and leadership traditions. It moves beyond the news-room to outline the role of journalists in urban society, the social lives of news texts and the way citizens bring their ideas and desires to bear on the news discourse.

This important volume contributes to an emerging debate about the impact of the media on Indian society. Furthermore, it convincingly demonstrates the inseparable link between media related practices and dynamic cultural repertoires.

List of Abbreviations List of Figures and Tables Acknowledgements 1. Introduction 2. Lucknow News 3. Local Voices: Empowerment through News-Making 4. Political Reporting: Sites of Engagement – Performances of Distance 5. Infotainment: Re-Writing Politics after Economic Liberalisation 6. Conclusions References Index

ISBN - 9788175967861

Pages : 236
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