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  Asian Security Handbook

Asian Security Handbook

by William M. Carpenter ,David G. Wiencek(Eds. )

  Price : Rs 795.00
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  This is the third edition of Asian Security Handbook. The previous volumes were published in 1996 and 2000. Because of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, it is appropriate that we focus in this edition on the war on terrorism and the still impact it is having in Asia. The introductory chapter outlines the new security environment brought about by the events of September 11 and provides a context for the country profile chapters that follow. The country-specific chapters provide wide-ranging coverage of the political-security situation in twenty-three individual nations and update our previous assessments. For this edition, new chapters on Bangladesh, Brunei, and Nepal have been added. The chapter presented here bring together the insights and expertise of our contributors, a diverse group of international security analysts and Asian affairs experts from government, academia, and the private sector. They bring significant experience, as well as variety of perspectives, to the book. They have written sharply focused chapters that are designed to be analytical and interpretive. A short bibliographic list for further reading and reference appears at the end of each chapter. The analysis is designed to offer regional breadth with the intention of providing a handbook or primer that is relevant and accessible to a general audience, including students and training classes, the business and investment community, as well as specialists in Asian studies and international security affairs. Given such comprehensive coverage, this book will be a one-stop resource for those interested in geopolitical trends, terrorism and political risk, and defense and security issues in the Asia-Pacific region.

Pages : 365
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