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  Welding Technology for Engineers

Welding Technology For Engineers

by B. Raj, V. Shankar, A. K. Bhaduri

  Price : Rs 950.00
  Your Price : Rs 950.00
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  Welding Technology for Engineers deals with three major areas of welding technology “ welding metallurgy, welding process technology and welding quality assurance. In welding metallurgy, critical aspects of weldability and difficulties experienced during welding of various ferrous and non-ferrous engineering alloys are addressed. The fundamentals and latest advances in welding process technology, and welding qualifications and quality control measures required for quality assurance are also discussed. Advanced non-destructive testing techniques, along with case studies and solutions to challenging requirements, and corrosion of welds, of use to maintenance engineers are covered. Is a comprehensive resource on all aspects of weld production, quality and performance with specialised topics such as welding design, control of residual stresses and distortion, mechanical testing of weldments and corrosion behaviour

Pages : 424
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