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  Across the LoC: Inside Pakistan-Administered Jammu and Kashmir

Across The Loc: Inside Pakistan-Administered Jammu And Kashmir

by Luv Puri

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 273.00
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  The Kashmir issue has been a subject of international attention ever since the subcontinent was partitioned in1947. The clash between India and Pakistan over the coveted territory led to the emergence of Indian-administered and Pakistan-administered areas. While the social and political conditions in the former have been widely discussed, even among Kashmir experts there is little knowledge of Pakistan-administered Jammu & Kashmir (PAJK), particularly its political, cultural and social aspects.

Luv Puri analyses the crucial pre-Independence social and political processes which resulted in polarization within the state and the violence that wracked the region during Partition. He tracks the effect of those events on Pakistan™s Punjab province and the ensuing impact on Pakistan™s position on the Jammu & Kashmir issue.

The relationship between Pakistan and PAJK is an important aspect of Puri™s research. He traces the history of migration from Mirpur to Britain and the Mirpuri diaspora™s significant support to the early phase of militancy that arose in Jammu & Kashmir in 1989. This insurgency, which had its base in PAJK, promised independence from both India and Pakistan. The book also discusses the many transformations in the pro-independence struggle from its inception to the present day.

Across the LoC: Inside Pakistan-administered Jammu and Kashmir is a new and original contribution to the body of literature on the region and the role PAJK has played in the larger Jammu & Kashmir tangle.

Pages : 152
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