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  Predictive Astrology (A Treatise on Muhurta, Marriage & Children)

Predictive Astrology (A Treatise On Muhurta, Marriage & Children)

by L. C. Sharma

  Price : Rs 240.00
  Your Price : Rs 240.00
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  Muhurta in Modern context, at a glance.
* Important Samskaras, Muhurtas and Yogas.
* Ashtakavarga an aid to Muhurta.
* Timing of Marriage: Parashari and through Ashtakvarga.
* Denial of marriage, multiple marriages, widowhood and wife’s death.
* Effects of Past births on progeny.
* Timing of child’s birth by Parashari and Ashtakvarga methods.
* Sex determination and birth of daughters.
* Miscarriages and mishaps to children.
* Childlessness and son’s inimical relations with father.
* Controversies—Sade-Sati, Kalsarpa Yoga, Retrogression of planets and effects of planets in Mooltrikona signs.
In this book, the author has presented the principles of his own research. One part is of Muhurta which he has condensed in brief and made it useful. His research on Marriages based on his investigations and experience, will prove useful. In Indian traditions, marriage has always been related to progeny. Therefore Mr. Sharma has also given his research on matters relating to children, in this book. Unlike other Astrologers, the teachers of Astrology have to adopt a scientific methodology in prediction, which you will find in this book. ~ K N Rao.

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