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  The New Secret Language of Symbols

The New Secret Language Of Symbols

by David Fontana

  Price : Rs 750.00
  Your Price : Rs 675.00
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  From ancient emblems of sovereignty and divinity to the trees, fruits and flowers that carry particular associations (such as longevity, love or peace), symbols have been used by every culture as a powerful way to convey a direct message - which may be clear and simple, or layered with complexity. Symbolism is, in fact, a basic human need. A symbol can move or inspire, or it can work more mysteriously, speaking to our uncomscious and stirring us at a deep level of intuiitive wisdom. To understand symbols is to obtain a profound insight into what it means to be human.

The New Secret Language of Symbols is a beautifully illustrated sourcebook of symbols and symbol systems. An illuminating introduction looks at the cultural and psychological explanations of symbols - including the Jungian idea of the collective unconscious. Then follows The World of Symbols, the heart of the book in which more than 500 symbols are presented and explained theme by theme - from the elemental symbolism of the cosmos to the multiplicity of meanings associated with manmade objects and structures. We learn, for example, about the various forms of dragon in myth, the symbolism of sacred geometry, the attributes of gods, goddesses, angels and mythic heroes, the array of associations ascribed to body parts, and the significance of such practical features as the anchor or the bridge. Interspersed with these thematic treatments are more than a dozen overviews of symbol-rich cultures, religions, esoteric groups and symbol systems, ranging from ancient, esoteric groups and symbol systems, ranging from ancient Egypt to the Tarot. Each overview is centred upon a major image that is decoded to expose its deeper, oftern cryptic, meanings - thereby giving the reader revealing insights into the thinking behind some of the world`s most beautiful and intriguing art, artefacts and architecture.

Throughout The New Secret Language of Symbols David Fontana has unpeeled layers of profound historical and psychological significance, probed the ancient roots of a vast range of symbols, and in the process - like a gifted archaeologist who knows exactly where to look and how to interpret what he finds - he has unearthed boundless treasures.

Pages : 192
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