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  The End of Fear : A Spiritual Path for Realists

The End Of Fear : A Spiritual Path For Realists

by Richard Schaub

  Price : Rs 199.00
  Your Price : Rs 159.20
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  Why are we afraid? Why do we dwell on worst-case scenarios, lie awake in anxiety’s grip, and react to minor mishaps as though they threaten our very survival? Chances are you don’t envision the world’s or your own catastrophic end on a daily basis; however, we are all routinely altered by fear— from simply feeling nervous about a new experience to repeatedly rethinking a critical comment. In The End of Fear, Richard and Bonney Schaub explore the origin of fear down to its root and posit that it grows out of our innate love of life. They teach that fear is so influential because deep down we know that our life is unpredictable and that we are all vulnerable; we risk change and loss at every moment. No religion grants any exemption, and no amount of money or status can change this fact for us. Using examples from their lives and those of their patients, the Schaubs draw upon their 30 years of experience as psychotherapists to explore the common methods people turn to in order to cope with their basic vulnerability. After this exploration, the Schaubs lead us on a spiritual journey that teaches us to skilfully turn toward fear and transform it. Once we stop fleeing from or fighting fear and instead face it with compassion, we’ll be free to realize and achieve our full potential for peace, joy, and love.

ISBN - 9789380480336

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