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  Food and Beverage Management, 2/e

Food And Beverage Management, 2/E

by John Cousins, David Foskett, Cailein Gillespie

  Price : Rs 599.00
  Your Price : Rs 491.18
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  This second edition of the best selling textbook Food and Beverage Management has been updated and revised to take account of current trends within the hospitality industry. In particular the consideration of food and beverage (or foodservice) operations is clearly set within a broader business framework with more consideration being given to the management of foodservice operations within a changing business environment. The underlying thinking behind much of this text relies on the application of a systems approach to the management of operations. The text therefore proposes systematic approaches to the design, planning and control of food and beverage operations, and also recognises the need to manage operations as operating systems. The book considers a food and beverage operation as comprising three distinct but interlinked systems: food production, food and beverage service as a delivery system and food and beverage service as a customer process system. The component parts of the three systems are examined, as well as the linkages between them, and how these together create a food and beverage operation.

Pages : 342
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