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  Industrial Conflict In India : Is The Sleeping Giant Waking Up?

Industrial Conflict In India : Is The Sleeping Giant Waking Up?

by K R Shyam Sundar

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  As the force of globalization have gained strength, the economic system in India has changed. The changed in the economic system have significantly impacted the industrial relations systems (IRS). The initial impact of the forces of globalization on the collective institutions was adverse. Trade unions which were once powerful turned defensive. The incidence of strikes in general showed a declining trend. The pro-reform theorists began to dismiss trade unions and industrial conflict. Industrial unions and industrial conflict. Industrial relations scholars and the employers began to preach trade unions the virtues to cooperation. It is in this context the industrial conflict (especially workers` strikes) and workers` violent deeds (including murders) that have been doing rounds in the last few years on a frequency not witnessed for quite some time. The past few years have thus been eventful. The economic slow down worsened the problems for labour as labour bore the brunt of the crisis in the form of lay offs and retrenchments, wage freeze and so on while the employers sought and secured the cover of state protection. The very process of reforms and the crises they have generated has provoked industrial conflicts, some even bloody. The obituaries of unions and strikes have turned into stories of union revival and return of labour militancy. These prompt us to aske the question : Is the sleeping giant of industrial conglict waking up? We seek to provide answers to this question in this monograph. About the AuthorK R Shyam Sundar is a Reader in the Department of Economics, Guru Nanak College of Arts, Science & Commerce which is affiliated to Mumbai University. He holds a Ph.D. Degree in Economics from Mumbai University. He has published over forty research articles and book reviews in the field of Induatrial Relations and Labour Economics in well known research outlets such as the Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Economic and Political Weekly, Indian Journal of Industrial Relations. He has been a visiting fellow at the International Institute of labour Studies, International Labour Office, Geneva, during 2006. He has completed five research projects on topics such as Labour Regulation and Social Dialogue sponsored by agencies like the European Union and the International Labour Office. He has visited China in 2008 to study the issues of Labour Flexibility and Labour Law Reforms in China under the Cultural Exchange Programme of academics between India and China. Table of Contents Introduction Theoretical and Conceptual Aspects of Industrial Conflict and Strikes The Institutional Framework of IRS in India Labour Flexibility Debate and Labour Reforms Controversy in India A Statistical Analysis of Trade Unions and Industrial Conflict in the Post-reform Period in India Strikes and Struggles in Automobile Industry Strikes in Other Industries Strikes and Agitations in Public Sector Strikes and Agitations in Public Sector Strikes and Agitations by Unorganized Workers : A Study of Contract Workers Assessment and Discussion Appendix References

ISBN - 9789380574165

Pages : 271
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