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  The Art Of Healing - The Healing Breath

The Art Of Healing - The Healing Breath

by Fran Ois Gautier, Namrita Gautier

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 195.00
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  Breathing has the power to rejuvenate and revitalize the body.Recognizing the power of the breath, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar revived and popularized the ancient art of pranayama and created sudarshan kriya— techniques of effective breathing that help unlock the power that lies within all of us. Sri Sri and the Art of Living Foundation seek to use these techniques to spread peace and harmony throughout the world.

Modern living is fraught with stress and suffering and Sri Sri helps transform the negative emotions that come with that lifestyle into positive energy. This book tries to understand how the science of breath, along with meditation, can offer a healing touch amidst the chaos of modern life.

The Art of Healing: The Healing Breath is an attempt at unravelling the enigma that is Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and spreading the message of peace that the Art of Living Foundation propagates. It would prove to be an invaluable guide for followers of Sri Sri, for those who wish to understand the good work being done by his disciples in areas where people are afflicted and affected by disease, trauma and disasters, and for those who wish to understand the crisis of modern living and the way out of it.

ISBN - 9788172238087

Pages : 232
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