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     	 THE 8051 Microcontroller & Embedded Systems Using Assembly and C with CD

The 8051 Microcontroller & Embedded Systems Using Assembly And C With Cd

by Ayala Kenneth

  Price : Rs 410.00
  Your Price : Rs 348.50
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  The 8051 Microcontroller & Embedded Systems: using Assembly and C is designed to serve as a textbook for undergraduate students enrolled in programmes in electronics, electrical, computers, and instrumentation & control engineering. It will also serve well as a textbook for students of BSc (Electronics) and MSc (Electronic Science/Instrumentation) and as a reference to engineers and hobbyists working with the 8051.
The comprehensive coverage of this book includes an introduction to embedded systems, an overview of microprocessors and microcontrollers, and a review of number systems and their arithmetic. The 8051, along with its architecture, ports, peripherals, interfacing, and programming, is described in full detail with numerous examples. Special emphasis is laid on topics such as interrupts, jump and call instructions, and serial communication that students usually find difficult to understand. A complete chapter is dedicated to the various devices belonging to the 8051 family and their features. C programming for the 8051 is described with the help of the Small Device C Compiler (SDCC), an open-source tool. The final chapter delineates projects that can be designed using the 8051. The appendices provide details on 8051 mnemonics, instruction sets, and software tools used for programming the chip, making this book a complete undergraduate text.
Lucidly written in a student-friendly manner, the book is rich in pedagogical aids. Chapter outlines give a view of each chapter which is concluded in an end-of-chapter summary. Exercise sets are painstakingly created to test the students� understanding. A large number of programming examples are included to clearly illustrate techniques. A CD accompanying the book contains source codes for projects described in the book along with data sheets of relevant microcontrollers.

Pages : 544
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