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  Constitution, Government and Politics in India : Evolution and Present Structure

Constitution, Government And Politics In India : Evolution And Present Structure

by Biswaranjan Mohanty

  Price : Rs 1970.00
  Your Price : Rs 1773.00
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  Before 1947, India was a dependency of the United Kingdom and consisted of British India, and the Princely States. It encompassed the entire area which now forms the four countries of India, Pakistan, Myanmar, and Bangladesh. India inherited a dismal economy from the British rulers at the time of Independence in 1947. Owing to poor technological and scientific capabilities, industrialization was limited and lop-sided. Agricultural sector exhibited features of feudal and semi-feudal institutions, resulting into low productivity. The political system was fragmented and the national unity was in danger. Various factors were responsible for political problems which were threatening the very existence of India as a nation.

The Constitution of India adopted on November 26, 1949, became operative on January 26, 1950. It provides for two layers of Government, one at the Central level, and the other at the level of the States. A federal polity of this kind requires division of powers and responsibilities between the Centre and the States. Hence, the Constitution describes in detail the legislative powers and functions of the two tiers of Government. It is the fountain-head of all legislations. India, with a population of more than one billion, is the world`s largest democracy. Indian polity consists of three main branches, namely the executive, legislature and the judiciary along with subsidiary branches like political parties, statutory institutions etc.

This book presents a comprehensive description and analysis of the constitution, system of government and dynamics of politics in India, a geographically and demographically vast country inhabited by people professing different religions, speaking a variety of languages and adhering to diverse socio-cultural ethos.

Pages : 612
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